[Prev|Next|Index] Tue, Feb 20, 1996 Chip Robson Look What They've Done To My Song, Ma! By Chip Robson It is a sad, sad world in which the people of the MOST FREE NATION in the world find themselves in the position not unlike that of the ‘Puritans’ of England which first settled this great country of ours. These people were ostracized for their beliefs. They were persecuted and ridiculed. For that, they sought freer lives abroad, only to find themselves on the soils now known as The United States of America. Here they were content to live their lives as they chose...in FREEDOM! As time went by, our founding parents found themselves creating the doctrines by which every American now lives: The Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America. One of these rights is the Freedom of Speech. The Internet has been around for decades and has survived in all its glory. Now it seems that ‘other people’ choose to partake of the opportunities that The Net has to offer and, as such, find the need to govern what has existed in peace for so long (Thank you very much!). One would THINK, in this day and age, that MOST parents would have control over their children to the point that they could keep them from reaching the realms of where they are not welcome. They should think in terms of controlling their children rather than attempting to control The Net.. If children are found pursuing such devices as to enlighten their sexual awarenesses .-. where are the parents? As with the trend to sit your child down in front of the television cum (that's Latin!) baby-sitter, then obviously, they have not the wherewithal to keep them in CHECK and survey their activities AWAY from realms they need not be a part of. The parents should not be always looking for that proverbial baby-sitter, in this case, the government of the United States of America. It is time for parents to take the stance which they have long abandoned...being parents! Has parenthood gone the way of the model T? As with the 'Indians' (Native Americans) here we are again, coming in as newcomers, not liking what we see and changing it! (or, as history repeats itself, taking it away!) What gives YOU the right? We have been residing here fair and well without you. Now you cometh, now you taketh away! Just like Manhattan! If you liketh not what you behold - begone with you! Turn the channel! This country was made up of people who wanted to exercise their rights to be the people they wanted to be. The Bill of Rights was composed to protect those people AND their rights. What gives YOU the right to chastise me? What have I ever done to you. I have a right that YOU are impeding on! Perhaps YOUR right to be 'holier than thou' should be taken away. Then maybe you would understand! God bless America! (or is it the Indies? Columbus? Are you there?) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]